Friday, October 1, 2010

The Return - and some yummy soup

So it has been over a year now. I think the last post was shortly before the implementation of new filters on the internets at work. Hmmm. No more online frivolity from the desk. It has taken me this long to find time to do it from home.

When we last spoke, Steph had tried to eat some alien eggs. She's gone to France now. Maybe they have cleaner food there. They certainly don't have cleaner people. Moving on...

Here's another culinary tidbit for The Return: Cock flavoured soup. Yep. You hear correctly. I didn't read the ingredients, but somehow I suspect it is artificial flavour. I almost hope it is. But it begs the question: how does one simulate the flavour of dick?I know, I know, the brand originates elsewhere, regional dialects, yada yada yada. The fact remains, I'm not eating cock flavoured soup whether the flavour is real or not.

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