Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Anxiety Eases (28-10-2013)

It IS good.
Last night I had that weird mix of impending doom and mild anxiety that comes when you realize that the weekend is over. Work starts Monday and who knows what that will bring? And then I remembered. Monday is just as good as Saturday or Sunday. Sure, we have a bit of a deadline as far as getting to school for the final bell,  but The Dunc gets up at the same time regardless of weekday or weekend, so what did it matter?
And then I poured another glass of wine to round out the evening.

Dealing With Guilt (23-10-2013)

It's Wednesday. The livin' is easy. A is still home. I haven't had to pack their snacks myself yet.
I feel this odd sense of guilt. Like I'm getting away with something I shouldn't. It's a bit like taking a sick day when there isn't really anything wrong with you. That kind of guilt. Maybe we don't all experience it. Could be my Catholic upbringing I guess.

Wondering Where The Lions Are (21-10-2013)

Sun's up, uh huh, looks OK.
The new job started today. D and I took the girls to school.  A is still home this week. I do not have the picture of her running to catch up to us with C's backpack and Z's swimming bag. Whatever. First day. 
After the drop D and I wandered by Cherry Bomb for a cortado and some contemplation. We came up blank. So we meandered home, hung about for a bit, sucked back a couple of nipples worth of milk and hit the sack.
The guys are still doing our siding and it was pretty loud. They were banging away on the outside wall of D's room. So I thought it would be a better nap for all involved if we both sacked out in the big bed together.
Tough morning.

Impending...I don't know what (20-10-2013)

Sunday night. Unlike every other Sunday night for the past 8 years, I'm not thinking about work tomorrow. Because there isn't any now. Traditional work I mean. I finished that up Friday. Tomorrow D and I take the girls to school and then...uhhh... well I guess maybe we'll swing by Cherry Bomb and consider our options.