Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Wondering Where The Lions Are (21-10-2013)

Sun's up, uh huh, looks OK.
The new job started today. D and I took the girls to school.  A is still home this week. I do not have the picture of her running to catch up to us with C's backpack and Z's swimming bag. Whatever. First day. 
After the drop D and I wandered by Cherry Bomb for a cortado and some contemplation. We came up blank. So we meandered home, hung about for a bit, sucked back a couple of nipples worth of milk and hit the sack.
The guys are still doing our siding and it was pretty loud. They were banging away on the outside wall of D's room. So I thought it would be a better nap for all involved if we both sacked out in the big bed together.
Tough morning.

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