Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Repetitive socking

Last week work was shut down for 3 days and everyone was forced to take the time off without pay. Not ideal, but not the end of the world, and I made grand plans of getting all sorts of crap done around the house. Instead, C got a bit of a fever and cough and had to stay home from daycare so I just hung with her instead. We engaged in various exciting activities, had tea and cakes at 11, that sort of thing. If there's one thing she loves, it's accessorizing. Hats, mitts, underwear as hats, you name it, she likes to put it on and off over and over. She especially likes socks. The video is 3 minutes of what we did over and over for stretches of 20 minutes or more at various times over the 3 days. In the end, it was very therapeutic. And since she had 3 days of me all to herself, I am now the runaway favourite and it's all about Daddy!

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