Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Sunfire Coolness?

So it's early days yet, and uncalled for, but I need to poke fun at something already. I've never been a big fan of spoilers and scoops on road going cars that don't have prancing horses or dancing bulls on the coat of arms. Fine, if you buy an STI it comes with a pretty big spoiler and the scoop is functional. And you might even take it to the track every now and again and get it up to a speed where the spoiler actually does something. And I'll admit that if I had a minivan I might put a huge rubber spoiler on it simply for effect. But otherwise, are these things necessary? What about on the gorgeous piece of machinery pictured here? What does it add? It looks like someone was playing Need For Speed and only had enough points to get one or two items. Instead of opting for some springs or tires or something else that might actually improve performance, they go for the hood and roof scoop. And what is that colour? Faux Carbon Fibre?

1 comment:

Spooky said...

Oh man I hope you get a minivan